Quality systems are the mainstay of clinical laboratory Management. The comprehensive laboratory process must be continually monitored and evaluated to ensure reliable test results and set the foundation for quality improvement. While such efforts have resulted in significant improvements in many of the processes, errors still occur.
In order to implement corrections and improve the testing process, the laboratorian must identify the various sources of errors. Preanalytical Quality Management System is a specially designed package which includes assessment and continuous training. All the processes which are part of preanalytical stage: Patient Reception, Patient Preparation, Phlebotomy procedure, Phlebotomist soft skills, Sample accession, Sample preparation, Specimen Transport, Specimen Storage are accessed on the basis of specially designed assessment tools.
All key Quality indicators like Haemolysis, Clots, under fillings, Specimen spillages etc are also accessed to understand the frequency and origin and then with root cause analysis the required corrective training modules are designed. Hence, Preanalytical Quality Management System provides laboratories with a multi-pronged approach to understand the process and end-point gaps, to implement corrective actions and then re-access and document the corrective actions on continuous basis.
In a Nut Shell, PreQ-MS™ is a barrage of continuous Assessment, Training, Evaluation and Improvement package to help clinical laboratories combat errors in pre testing phase of the laboratory.