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We are pleased to introduce Improvacuter® range of Product.improve logo
Improvacuter offers entire range of Blood collection device with anti-coagulant tubes, Gel Tube range, Blood Collection Needles, Safety Needle device, Micro-collection Tubes and lancets.
Improvacuter®, is a one of the leading brands in world in regards to Market share and Quality.Blood collection Product range offering respect to varied range of anti coagulant additive and draw volume is best in the market.
Our products are patronized by numerous prestigious Laboratories and Clinical Institutes across the Globe.
The Improvacuter® product range includes Products with highest range of certification which is US FDA 510K, ISO TUV, CE.
Worldwide manufacturing sites are certified and comply to stringent WHO – GMP standards.

Venous Collection Products
PreQ Venous Blood Collection products are designed to provide a safe and precise method of blood collection. delivering high comfort and ease of use. PreQ offers a full range of evacuated PET tubes with wide range additives and draw volumes to suit your needs. Our products are backed up by clinical experts and in-depth educational material for continuous training helping your laboratory achieve the best result with greater efficiency.

Capillary / Pediatric Collection
PreQ offers a comprehensive range of Capillary collection products. We provide all the important products required for blood collection from patients with difficult draws for e.g.: Neonates, Paediatric Patients and patient with compromised veins. Capillary range of products offers solutions for pain and stress free blood sampling. Capillary Micro tubes are available in Gel, EDTA, Plain and Heparin. Capillary collection also includes single use retractable safety lancets.

Safety Products
PreQ offers safety comprehensive range of products to the needs of Healthcare workers Safety, Workplace and Patients safety. Products are selected in accordance with international safety guidelines. Products are simple to use designed to render highest amount of protection against needle stick injuries, Cross infections and contamination - while performing phlebotomy, handling specimen and hazardous waste.

PreQ offers entire range of accessories for making Phlebotomy and specimen handling more efficient, accurate and safe and at the same time make it more presentable.

Transport / Storage Products
Blood specimen is most venerable to undergo Physical and Analyte value change during Transport, Handling and storage. Hence, it is of prime importance to refrain the blood specimen form external environmental factors like Sunlight, Heat, Physical jerks, Spillage etc. With the same view to maintain the integrity of the sample, we have designed a complete solution of transportation and storage Products.

Phlebotomy Room Accessories
At PreQ you will find every product you need to complete your entire phlebotomy check-list. Products will also help enhance aesthetics of your Phlebotomy room. These Products are designed in a view of both Patient and Phlebotomist comfort, Making Phlebotomy procedure and pleasant experience.